Tag: maintenance
Establishing Maintenance Procedures and Policies
Posted on: February 05, 2012 by total
Posted by Teresa on December 8, 2011 under Landlord Paperwork and Forms | If you’re like most landlords, you want to keep your investment properties in good shape . A well-maintained property appraises well, attracts quality tenants , can help you avoid liability issues and will save you money in the long run
How To Be A Good Tenant
Posted on: January 29, 2012 by total
Guest post by Mallory Pickard Getting your security deposit back and obtaining a good reference from your landlord when you move out is easy if you know and follow a few simple guidelines. With the number of tenant disputes on the rise, there’s no better time to take in these quick tips on being a good tenant in order to avoid undue stress, conflicts with your landlord, and even legal trouble.
Keys to Being a Residential Property Manager
Posted on: January 23, 2012 by total
Residential Property Management is a competitive industry that requires being able to provide excellent service as well as promote your company. These tips may seem basic, but they are the foundation of what a residential property manager needs to master in order to be as effective as possible.